Monday, August 16, 2010

Ohhhh Wii...

The Wii, I've decided, is out to get me. First off, last week, the Wii asked me how my pregnant wife looked (she's also set up on the Wii Fit.) The problem was that it gave me options of "Slimmer" (which with the baby belly technically she's not), "Bigger" (we all know how that one would turn out, "The same" (which, she has thinned out in some places - this was the option I chose). Regardless, NONE of these options were designed to create a healthy relationship... fie on you Wii!! Second, the Wii called me fat... as I detailed in my last post. So the Wii and I are still locking horns as today, it stated that I GAINED 2 pounds and made my Mii character fat, replete with the WHAA WHAA WHAAA sound. Not happy. 201 is the number of the week and it's not helping that because my daughter is home, I can't go out for my walk in the morning. My issues with actually losing the weight are two-fold: food choices and lack of exercise. While I walk 3 miles a day, I'm not doing any weightlifting or true cardio. I think I need to fire up the P90X and really get moving on it. The last time I did it, I did the first DVD and then fell off the wagon. I know myself and if I get into a routine, I'll stick with it. As soon as I'm off the routine, I'm off it and it takes some time for me to get back on track. It starts today! Second is that I've been making some really bad food decisions. White Rice, French Bread, Ice Cream, Pancakes... they've all been on the board of fare lately and they're dooming my diet. My tactic for this week is to get moving, eat more regular meals and be careful about what I eat. In addition... WATER!! I've not been drinking enough and I think it's having a contributory affect on my weight gain... Well, until next week! Hopefully there will be less of me!


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