Saturday, March 6, 2010

Down 11 lbs!

Current Weight: 184lbs.

Admittedly, it's been a long time since I posted. I'm in week 3 of South Beach and it's working marvelously. Regardless of the fact that I've cheated almost every week, I'm starting to make some real progress. I still have yet to start the exercise program. Procrastination again is rearing it's ugly head. I have one obstacle/opportunity right now, I'm currently unemployed. This provides a problem in my diet as I may not be able to afford some of the food, vis a vis the fish element of the south beach diet. However it allows me quite a bit more time to work on the exercise element. I've been pretty good about not cheating AS MUCH these past two weeks, however I've got my top three cheats:

1. Ice Cream - The wife bought it and I've probably had two bowls so far... not bad, but certainly not a habit I want to get back into.
2. McDonald's Shamrock Shake - That's right! It's March! Nothing says Irish Pride like the deliciousness of the minty goodness that is the Shamrock Shake. Generally speaking, its a bad idea all around!
3. Harpoon Island Creek Oyster Stout - Just had it today. I have heard a lot of buzz about this beer and decided to cheat. So good!

Really though, I've been good about my diet generally speaking. The food on the SBD is generally very good! I've moved onto "Stage two" which means basically that they've started to reintroduce carbs into my diet. I've had a few things like cereal and whole wheat bread that are now part of the diet. A lot of people complain about the lack of carbs and frankly, I'm doing OK. There's been no fatigue, no crabiness (that anyone has admitted to), frankly I'm doing well! This week is going to be the week! I'm excited to press forward and get some exercise under my belt. It is my intent not to cheat this week. I've got too much in the way of good food in my house to mess this up! We'll see.

Best of luck to all of you trying to get in shape out there. I'd appreciate hearing your story!


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